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Compute entropy and related measures


info_surprisal(x, base = NULL)

info_entropy(p, base = NULL)

info_cross_entropy(p, q, base = NULL)

info_kl_divergence(p, q, base = NULL)

info_kl_divergence_matrix(mat, base = NULL)



a vector of probabilities


the base of the logarithm. Defaults to e (exp(1)).

p, q

a probability distribution (vector of probabilities that sum to 1)


a matrix where each row is a probability distribution


the entropy

Information theory basics

Given a probability x, the surprisal value (or information content) of x is the log of the inverse probability, log(1 / x). Rare events (smaller probabilities) have larger surprisal values than more common events. The word "surprise" here conveys how unexpected or informative an event is. (The idea that surprises are "informative" or contain information makes sense with the intuition that there isn't much to be learned from predictable events.) Because of how division works with logarithms, log(1 / x) simplifies so that info_surprisal(x) is the negative log probability,-log(x). The units of the information content depends on the base of the logarithm. Our functions by default use the natural log() which provides information in nats, but it is also common to see log2()-based surprisals which provide information in bits.

Given a probability distribution p—a vector of probabilities that sum to 1—the entropy of the distribution is the probability-weighted average of the surprisal values. A weighted average is sum(weights * values) / sum(weights), but because the weights here are probabilities that sum to 1, the info_entropy(p) is sum(p * info_surprisal(p)). Entropy can be interpreted as a measure of uncertainty in the distribution; it's the expected surprisal value in the distribution.

In info_entropy(p) the surprisal values and their weights came from the same probability distribution. But this doesn't need to be the case. Suppose that there are ground-truth probabilities p and there are also estimated probabilities q. info_entropy(q) computes a weighted average where events with surprisal info_surprisal(q) have frequencies of q. But if we knew the true frequencies, the surprisals in q would occur with frequency p, so their weighted average should be sum(p * info_surprisal(q)). This value is the cross entropy of q with respect to p, and info_cross_entropy(p, q) implements this function. Cross entropy is commonly used as a loss function in machine learning.

Gibb's inequality says that info_entropy(p) <= info_cross_entropy(p, q). Unless p and q are the same distribution, there will always be some excess uncertainty or surprise in the cross entropy compared to the entropy: info_cross_entropy(p, q) = info_entropy(p) + *excess*. This excess is the Kullback-Liebler divergence (KL divergence or relative entropy). Due to the properties of logarithms, info_kl_divergence(p, q) simplifies to sum (p * log(p / q)). KL divergence is an important quantity for comparing probability distributions. For example, each row in a confusion matrix is a probability distribution, and KL divergence can identify which rows are most similar. info_kl_divergence_matrix(mat) computes a distance matrix using on each pair of rows in mat using KL divergence.


wikipedia_example <- rbind(
  p = c(9, 12, 4) / 25,
  q = c(1,  1, 1) / 3

#>            p         q
#> p 0.00000000 0.0852996
#> q 0.09745501 0.0000000