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The function fits the same type of GAMLSS model as used in Mahr and colleagues (2021): A generalized gamma regression model (via gamlss.dist::GG()) with natural cubic splines on the mean (mu), scale (sigma), and shape (nu) of the distribution. This model is fitted using this package's mem_gamlss() wrapper function.


  df_mu = 3,
  df_sigma = 2,
  df_nu = 1,
  control = NULL

  df_mu = 3,
  df_sigma = 2,
  df_nu = 1,
  control = NULL

predict_gen_gamma_gamlss(newdata, model, centiles = c(5, 10, 50, 90, 95))


Associated article:



a data frame

var_x, var_y

(unquoted) variable names giving the predictor variable (e.g., age) and outcome variable (.e.g, rate).

df_mu, df_sigma, df_nu

degrees of freedom. If 0 is used, the splines::ns() term is dropped from the model formula for the parameter.


a gamlss::gamlss.control() controller. Defaults to NULL which uses default settings, except for setting trace to FALSE to silence the output from gamlss.

name_x, name_y

quoted variable names giving the predictor variable (e.g., "age") and outcome variable (.e.g, "rate"). These arguments apply to fit_gen_gamma_gamlss_se().


a one-column dataframe for predictions


a model fitted by fit_gen_gamma_gamlss()


centiles to use for prediction. Defaults to c(5, 10, 50, 90, 95).


for fit_gen_gamma_gamlss() and fit_gen_gamma_gamlss_se(), a mem_gamlss()-fitted model. The .user data in the model includes degrees of freedom for each parameter and the splines::ns() basis for each parameter. For predict_gen_gamma_gamlss(), a dataframe containing the model predictions for mu, sigma, and nu, plus columns for each centile in centiles.


There are two versions of this function. The main version is fit_gen_gamma_gamlss(), and it works with unquoted column names (e.g., age). The alternative version is fit_gen_gamma_gamlss_se(); the final "se" stands for "Standard Evaluation". This designation means that the variable names must be given as strings (so, the quoted "age" instead of bare name age). This alternative version is necessary when we fit several models using parallel computing with furrr::future_map() (as when using bootstrap resampling).

predict_centiles() will work with this function, but it will likely throw a warning message. Therefore, predict_gen_gamma_gamlss() provides an alternative way to compute centiles from the model. This function manually computes the centiles instead of relying on gamlss::centiles(). The main difference is that new x values go through splines::predict.ns() and then these are multiplied by model coefficients.


#> # A tibble: 200 × 2
#>    age_months speaking_sps
#>         <int>        <dbl>
#>  1         66         3.76
#>  2         29         2.08
#>  3         90         3.07
#>  4         61         2.64
#>  5         46         3.54
#>  6         61         3.23
#>  7         63         3.55
#>  8         51         2.84
#>  9         48         3.24
#> 10         37         2.39
#> # ℹ 190 more rows

m <- fit_gen_gamma_gamlss(data_fake_rates, age_months, speaking_sps)

# using "qr" in summary() just to suppress a warning message
summary(m, type = "qr")
#> ******************************************************************
#> Family:  c("GG", "generalised Gamma Lopatatsidis-Green") 
#> Call:  gamlss::gamlss(formula = speaking_sps ~ ns(age_months, df = 3),  
#>     sigma.formula = ~ns(age_months, df = 2), nu.formula = ~ns(age_months,  
#>         df = 1), family = GG(), data = ~data_fake_rates, control = list( 
#>         c.crit = 0.001, n.cyc = 20, mu.step = 1, sigma.step = 1,  
#>         nu.step = 1, tau.step = 1, gd.tol = Inf, iter = 0, trace = FALSE,  
#>         autostep = TRUE, save = TRUE)) 
#> Fitting method: RS() 
#> ------------------------------------------------------------------
#> Mu link function:  log
#> Mu Coefficients:
#>                         Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
#> (Intercept)              0.92763    0.04539  20.435  < 2e-16 ***
#> ns(age_months, df = 3)1  0.14393    0.03919   3.672 0.000310 ***
#> ns(age_months, df = 3)2  0.36779    0.10288   3.575 0.000441 ***
#> ns(age_months, df = 3)3  0.20240    0.03780   5.355 2.38e-07 ***
#> ---
#> Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
#> ------------------------------------------------------------------
#> Sigma link function:  log
#> Sigma Coefficients:
#>                         Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
#> (Intercept)              -1.7623     0.1597 -11.038   <2e-16 ***
#> ns(age_months, df = 2)1  -0.6923     0.3379  -2.049   0.0418 *  
#> ns(age_months, df = 2)2  -0.3832     0.2073  -1.848   0.0661 .  
#> ---
#> Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
#> ------------------------------------------------------------------
#> Nu link function:  identity 
#> Nu Coefficients:
#>                        Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)  
#> (Intercept)              -3.438      1.647  -2.088   0.0381 *
#> ns(age_months, df = 1)    8.336      4.312   1.933   0.0547 .
#> ---
#> Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
#> ------------------------------------------------------------------
#> No. of observations in the fit:  200 
#> Degrees of Freedom for the fit:  9
#>       Residual Deg. of Freedom:  191 
#>                       at cycle:  14 
#> Global Deviance:     184.5313 
#>             AIC:     202.5313 
#>             SBC:     232.2161 
#> ******************************************************************

# Alternative interface
d <- data_fake_rates
m2 <- fit_gen_gamma_gamlss_se(
  data = d,
  name_x = "age_months",
  name_y = "speaking_sps"
coef(m2) == coef(m)
#>             (Intercept) ns(age_months, df = 3)1 ns(age_months, df = 3)2 
#>                    TRUE                    TRUE                    TRUE 
#> ns(age_months, df = 3)3 
#>                    TRUE 

# how to use control to change gamlss() behavior
m_traced <- fit_gen_gamma_gamlss(
  control = gamlss::gamlss.control(n.cyc = 15, trace = TRUE)
#> GAMLSS-RS iteration 1: Global Deviance = 185.9307 
#> GAMLSS-RS iteration 2: Global Deviance = 185.2312 
#> GAMLSS-RS iteration 3: Global Deviance = 184.9112 
#> GAMLSS-RS iteration 4: Global Deviance = 184.7408 
#> GAMLSS-RS iteration 5: Global Deviance = 184.6483 
#> GAMLSS-RS iteration 6: Global Deviance = 184.5971 
#> GAMLSS-RS iteration 7: Global Deviance = 184.5691 
#> GAMLSS-RS iteration 8: Global Deviance = 184.553 
#> GAMLSS-RS iteration 9: Global Deviance = 184.5436 
#> GAMLSS-RS iteration 10: Global Deviance = 184.5381 
#> GAMLSS-RS iteration 11: Global Deviance = 184.5348 
#> GAMLSS-RS iteration 12: Global Deviance = 184.5329 
#> GAMLSS-RS iteration 13: Global Deviance = 184.5319 
#> GAMLSS-RS iteration 14: Global Deviance = 184.5313 

# The `.user` space includes the spline bases, so that we can make accurate
# predictions of new xs.
#> [1] "data"         "session_info" "call"         "df_mu"        "df_sigma"    
#> [6] "df_nu"        "basis_mu"     "basis_sigma"  "basis_nu"    

# predict log(mean) at 55 months:
log_mean_55 <- cbind(1, predict(m$.user$basis_mu, 55)) %*% coef(m)
#>          [,1]
#> [1,] 1.070221
#>          [,1]
#> [1,] 2.916024

# But predict_gen_gamma_gamlss() does this work for us and also provides
# centiles
new_ages <- data.frame(age_months = 48:71)
centiles <- predict_gen_gamma_gamlss(new_ages, m)
#> # A tibble: 24 × 9
#>    age_months    mu sigma     nu    c5   c10   c50   c90   c95
#>         <int> <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#>  1         48  2.83 0.142 -1.60   2.29  2.40  2.86  3.47  3.68
#>  2         49  2.84 0.141 -1.50   2.30  2.41  2.87  3.48  3.68
#>  3         50  2.86 0.140 -1.40   2.32  2.43  2.88  3.48  3.68
#>  4         51  2.87 0.138 -1.31   2.33  2.44  2.89  3.48  3.68
#>  5         52  2.88 0.137 -1.21   2.34  2.45  2.90  3.49  3.68
#>  6         53  2.89 0.136 -1.11   2.35  2.46  2.91  3.49  3.68
#>  7         54  2.91 0.135 -1.02   2.36  2.47  2.92  3.49  3.68
#>  8         55  2.92 0.134 -0.920  2.37  2.48  2.93  3.50  3.68
#>  9         56  2.93 0.132 -0.823  2.38  2.49  2.94  3.50  3.68
#> 10         57  2.94 0.131 -0.726  2.39  2.50  2.95  3.50  3.68
#> # ℹ 14 more rows

# Confirm that the manual prediction matches the automatic one
centiles[centiles$age_months == 55, "mu"]
#> # A tibble: 1 × 1
#>      mu
#>   <dbl>
#> 1  2.92
#>          [,1]
#> [1,] 2.916024

if(requireNamespace("ggplot2", quietly = TRUE)) {
  ggplot(pivot_centiles_longer(centiles)) +
    aes(x = age_months, y = .value) +
    geom_line(aes(group = .centile, color = .centile_pair)) +
      aes(y = speaking_sps),
      data = subset(
        48 <= age_months & age_months <= 71

# Example of 0-df splines
m <- fit_gen_gamma_gamlss(
  df_mu = 0,
  df_sigma = 2,
  df_nu = 0
coef(m, what = "mu")
#> (Intercept) 
#>    1.113478 
coef(m, what = "sigma")
#>             (Intercept) ns(age_months, df = 2)1 ns(age_months, df = 2)2 
#>              -1.5223591              -1.0914888              -0.2153066 
coef(m, what = "nu")
#> (Intercept) 
#>    1.642225 

# mu and nu fixed, c50 mostly locked in
predict_gen_gamma_gamlss(new_ages, m)[c(1, 9, 17, 24), ]
#> # A tibble: 4 × 9
#>   age_months    mu sigma    nu    c5   c10   c50   c90   c95
#>        <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1         48  3.04 0.148  1.64  2.31  2.46  3.01  3.61  3.79
#> 2         56  3.04 0.132  1.64  2.39  2.52  3.02  3.55  3.70
#> 3         64  3.04 0.122  1.64  2.44  2.56  3.02  3.51  3.65
#> 4         71  3.04 0.118  1.64  2.46  2.58  3.02  3.50  3.64