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Create an ROC curve from smoothed densities


  along = NULL,
  best_weights = c(1, 0.5),
  direction = "auto",



a dataframe containing densities

controls, cases

bare column name for the densities of the control group


optional bare column name for the response values


weights for computing the best ROC curve points. Defaults to c(1, .5), which are the defaults used by pROC::coords().


direction to set for the for pROC::roc(). Defaults to "auto".


additional arguments. Not used currently.


the dataframe is updated with new columns for the .sensitivities, .specificities, .auc, .roc_row, .is_best_youden and .is_best_closest_topleft.


x1 <- rnorm(100, 4, 1)
x2 <- rnorm(100, 2, .5)
both <- c(x1, x2)
steps <- seq(min(both), max(both), length.out = 200)
d1 <- dnorm(steps, mean(x1), sd(x1))
d2 <- dnorm(steps, mean(x2), sd(x2))
data <- tibble::tibble(
  y = steps,
  d1 = d1,
  d2 = d2,
  outcome = rbinom(200, 1, prob = 1 - (d1 / (d1 + d2))),
  group = ifelse(outcome, "case", "control")
compute_smooth_density_roc(data, d1, d2)
#> # A tibble: 202 × 12
#>        y      d1     d2 outcome group .sensitivities .specificities  .auc
#>    <dbl>   <dbl>  <dbl>   <int> <chr>          <dbl>          <dbl> <dbl>
#>  1 0.932 0.00423 0.0264       1 case        0.000751          1.00  0.967
#>  2 0.960 0.00460 0.0319       1 case        0.00166           1.00  0.967
#>  3 0.989 0.00499 0.0383       1 case        0.00275           1.00  0.967
#>  4 1.02  0.00542 0.0459       1 case        0.00406           0.999 0.967
#>  5 1.05  0.00587 0.0546       1 case        0.00561           0.999 0.967
#>  6 1.07  0.00636 0.0647       1 case        0.00746           0.999 0.967
#>  7 1.10  0.00689 0.0763       1 case        0.00963           0.999 0.967
#>  8 1.13  0.00745 0.0895       1 case        0.0122            0.999 0.967
#>  9 1.16  0.00806 0.104        1 case        0.0152            0.998 0.967
#> 10 1.19  0.00870 0.121        1 case        0.0186            0.998 0.967
#> # ℹ 192 more rows
#> # ℹ 4 more variables: .roc_row <int>, .direction <chr>, .is_best_youden <lgl>,
#> #   .is_best_closest_topleft <lgl>
compute_smooth_density_roc(data, d1, d2, along = y)
#> # A tibble: 202 × 12
#>        y      d1     d2 outcome group .sensitivities .specificities  .auc
#>    <dbl>   <dbl>  <dbl>   <int> <chr>          <dbl>          <dbl> <dbl>
#>  1 0.932 0.00423 0.0264       1 case        0.000751          1.00  0.967
#>  2 0.960 0.00460 0.0319       1 case        0.00166           1.00  0.967
#>  3 0.989 0.00499 0.0383       1 case        0.00275           1.00  0.967
#>  4 1.02  0.00542 0.0459       1 case        0.00406           0.999 0.967
#>  5 1.05  0.00587 0.0546       1 case        0.00561           0.999 0.967
#>  6 1.07  0.00636 0.0647       1 case        0.00746           0.999 0.967
#>  7 1.10  0.00689 0.0763       1 case        0.00963           0.999 0.967
#>  8 1.13  0.00745 0.0895       1 case        0.0122            0.999 0.967
#>  9 1.16  0.00806 0.104        1 case        0.0152            0.998 0.967
#> 10 1.19  0.00870 0.121        1 case        0.0186            0.998 0.967
#> # ℹ 192 more rows
#> # ℹ 4 more variables: .roc_row <int>, .direction <chr>, .is_best_youden <lgl>,
#> #   .is_best_closest_topleft <lgl>

# terrible ROC because the response is not present (just the densities)
data_shuffled <- data[sample(seq_len(nrow(data))), ]
compute_smooth_density_roc(data_shuffled, d1, d2)
#> # A tibble: 202 × 12
#>        y     d1       d2 outcome group   .sensitivities .specificities  .auc
#>    <dbl>  <dbl>    <dbl>   <int> <chr>            <dbl>          <dbl> <dbl>
#>  1  2.29 0.0963 7.70e- 1       1 case            0.0219          0.997 0.551
#>  2  3.43 0.334  1.66e- 3       0 control         0.0220          0.988 0.551
#>  3  4.40 0.363  1.49e- 8       0 control         0.0220          0.977 0.551
#>  4  6.33 0.0293 2.63e-26       0 control         0.0220          0.976 0.551
#>  5  6.35 0.0275 1.21e-26       0 control         0.0220          0.976 0.551
#>  6  5.59 0.117  2.59e-18       0 control         0.0220          0.972 0.551
#>  7  3.00 0.242  4.30e- 2       0 control         0.0232          0.965 0.551
#>  8  3.26 0.300  7.00e- 3       1 case            0.0234          0.957 0.551
#>  9  3.20 0.288  1.09e- 2       0 control         0.0237          0.949 0.551
#> 10  4.20 0.384  2.64e- 7       0 control         0.0237          0.938 0.551
#> # ℹ 192 more rows
#> # ℹ 4 more variables: .roc_row <int>, .direction <chr>, .is_best_youden <lgl>,
#> #   .is_best_closest_topleft <lgl>

# sorted along response first: correct AUC
compute_smooth_density_roc(data_shuffled, d1, d2, along = y)
#> # A tibble: 202 × 12
#>        y     d1       d2 outcome group   .sensitivities .specificities  .auc
#>    <dbl>  <dbl>    <dbl>   <int> <chr>            <dbl>          <dbl> <dbl>
#>  1  2.29 0.0963 7.70e- 1       1 case             0.776        0.952   0.967
#>  2  3.43 0.334  1.66e- 3       0 control          1.00         0.707   0.967
#>  3  4.40 0.363  1.49e- 8       0 control          1.00         0.342   0.967
#>  4  6.33 0.0293 2.63e-26       0 control          1            0.00551 0.967
#>  5  6.35 0.0275 1.21e-26       0 control          1            0.00472 0.967
#>  6  5.59 0.117  2.59e-18       0 control          1            0.0534  0.967
#>  7  3.00 0.242  4.30e- 2       0 control          0.995        0.833   0.967
#>  8  3.26 0.300  7.00e- 3       1 case             0.999        0.762   0.967
#>  9  3.20 0.288  1.09e- 2       0 control          0.999        0.779   0.967
#> 10  4.20 0.384  2.64e- 7       0 control          1.00         0.416   0.967
#> # ℹ 192 more rows
#> # ℹ 4 more variables: .roc_row <int>, .direction <chr>, .is_best_youden <lgl>,
#> #   .is_best_closest_topleft <lgl>