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Get or set the location of the Praat executable






the full path to the Praat executable


the full path to the Praat executable


set_praat_location() sets an R options() for options("tjm.praat_location"). get_praat_location() retrieves the value of this option.

Default location

On package load, this package checks for a pre-existing value in options("tjm.praat_location") and defers to that value. If there is no such value, this package then searches the system PATH using Sys.which() on "praat". If Praat is not found on the PATH, NULL is used.

A user can set a default location for Praat by 1) adding it to their PATH. For example, I use a folder called bin in my Documents folder. My copy of Praat.exe lives in this folder, and this folder is on my user PATH on Windows. Alternatively, a user can 2) add a line like options(tjm.praat_location = [value]) to a .Rprofile file so that the option is set at the start of each R session.